Monday, December 31, 2007
view from el pipila
cupulas y jardin
another church. this one faces the gardens, the main common area of guanajuato. the trees of the garden can be seen here. they are planted in a sort of triangular formation, and the trees are trimmed and squared. inside the triangle are benches and a gazebo where bands play. the light green building to the right of the church is the theatre (teatro juarez). beginning in the afternoon, the steps of the theatre become populated with people hanging out, oftentimes a performer is putting on shows on the sidewalk facing the theatre.
tarde en guanajuato
this is the view from my friend's house, i am facing towards my house. it is at the top of the most distant hill. every afternoon looked liked this, with the beautiful thick clouds rolling in, later it would rain for a little while. the thunder there was incredible.
iglesia y universidad
the yellow building is the church; the white building with the circles in the parapet and the adjacent gray building are the university.
mi casa esta muy lejos
okay, so this is hard to explain, but i'll try. if you look at the left side of the picture about halfway up, there is a smallish white dome. now look up to the top of the hill line directly above it, there is a white building. that is my neighbor's house, mine is directly to the right, but it is covered by a tree.
the movie set
seeing a barren street in guanajuato was rare... at the moment this picture was taken, the street felt as artificial as it looks
buildings over tunnels
this is another nice display of how the different levels of the city are constructed, at the bottom you can see a car driving in the tunnel
luz y sombra
these are some of the buildings that are built over and around the tunnels; these were difficult to take because the light is at such extremes; walking in an out out of these shadows was also difficult
this is a church facade under construction; i really love when a building is simply it's facade and all that exists behind it is empty space
this is the outside of my school. the two pictures that follow are the inside. this is the only series i have that represents the surprises that lie behind facades in guanajuato. most of the streets are so narrow, it's too hard to capture whole facades. although they do have colorful exteriors, the building exteriors are relatively simple, the real treat is when you open the doors and walk inside
Sunday, December 30, 2007
this is the candy section at the market. it all looks sort of brownish because most of this candy was made from cooked sugar and not dyed--ranging from super-soft caramels to hard candies. however, my favorite candy was the stuff that was sweet and salty and spicy all at once.
blowing bubbles
Saturday, December 29, 2007
the juice stand. unfortunately i am more visually curious than gastronomically curious, so i never tried these juices. but here is how they are served: the juice is ladled into a baggy, a straw is inserted then the bag is fastened shut around the straw with a rubber band. it's like mexican capri sun.
la momia mas pequena del mundo
the smallest mummy in the world...
the mummy museum was fun to shoot in because everything was lit by blue lights, and all the mummies are behind glass so i couldn't use a flash, therefore all the pictures came out somewhat creepy--especially this one
Friday, December 28, 2007
nada mejor puede pasar que la muerte
"nothing better can happen than death" the mexican obsession with death and the dead is fascinating. at the mummy museum everyone got their pictures taken standing next to mummies. and these mummies don't look like your standard issue egyptian mummies; they look like dried-out people dressed in suits.
this was a hippie that i saw all the time, he was stunning, he looks like he was carved from marble, his skin really looked like it does in this picture
innocence and avoidance
this woman sat down on the curb right in front of my table at a cafe, i became obsessed with her outstretched hand, so i just kept shooting, then this happened. i don't have to get all deep about this, but i think the picture says a lot.
the beggar's hand
fully dressed
here she is in full dress, i had other versions of this, but i love this one becasue you can see the baby in the gap between her arm and torso
she was in a hurry in all of these shots so i just shot as quickly as i could, she's a little fuzzy
Thursday, December 27, 2007
this is a vendor outside the museo de las momias (mummy museum), i asked her if i could take her picture, she said yes, and then just kept handing me my change, she didn't bother posing or anything; i didn't want her to, but feared she might because i asked if i could take her picture. look at those blue eyes.